Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh spanish...

Something Lynn said in our meeting bothered me. In the process of trying to develop this program and make sure that the Latinos that express interest actually attend, they need a person that encourage them to come. Lynn told me  “You are white, and if they don’t quite understand everything you say, they’ll say yes but not show up. You need a Latino to be in charge of patient communication.” 

That makes sense, but was a major ego killer. I was just coming out of another dagger to the heart from the night before at the Latino Patient Advisory Counsel. I could communicate well enough, but you get enough Hispanics in a room they just rattle off with all the nuances of the Spanish language and slurring of words. I understood the gist of everything, but definitely not word for word. Being the only Gringa in the room was definitely intimidating. I was getting more and more confident with my Spanish at clinic, but this was definite proof that I am not where I need to be with my Spanish skills. I speak well, and my roommates are encouraging, but I need to be able to communicate better. Bummer.

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