Friday, May 28, 2010

Spirituality Night: I am from...

*So for last weeks spirituality night, Justin had us all write "I am from..." poems. Basically drawing on people, places, things and experiences that have shaped you and made you who you are. They are super free form, kind of stream of consciousness. I wrote two: one very random, and the other a little more thoughtful. Just thought I'd share!

I am From…
I am from water
From summers at the pool and swim team races
From a liquid back yard and sunburns after laying out on the dock too long

I am from nerf gun fights, trying to be one of the boys
I am from a cruel older brother that turned into a best friend
I am from Peppakakka and Potatas Corve
I am from five acres of the best trees to climb, the freshest mountain air and Karen the goat lady
I am from “don’t call me pony, I’m just a little horse,” fried chicken and the Honda Trail ‘90
I am from “don’t talk about your feelings” and “tell me more than you wanted to know”
I am from Lamb Chop and Reading Rainbow
I am from don’t eat that and however you say “fat girl” in Japanese
I am from hips broken at the age of 13 and guns pointed at your daughter
I am from West Lake Sammamish Parkway and angry neighbors
I am from Shawn Moore and nettle bushes

From rats buried in the back yard to cats we thought had 6 toes but turns out we just couldn’t count
From Doug Firs, Rhododendrons, Japanese Maples and Eagles Nests
From the ancient music that has coursed through the veins of humans and fed their souls since the beginning of time
I am from the secret – the quiet place, hungry I come for I know you satisfy, Forgiven because He was forsaken

From tears shed on snowy mountain slopes
From dress-up clothes and Barbie dolls in the drawers beneath my bunk bed
From Scientists and Journalists
From Faith and Reason

From a love that has filled me and inspired me to take joy in this world and do what I can to help others experience the love and joy we all deserve

I am from Water

I am from the water that falls from the sky
That quenches the thirst of the evergreens and ferns
That runs down the steep Seattle streets

I am from the water that courses through the veins of the Northwest
That melts from the glaciers
That fills the Columbia and cuts through the walls of the Gorge

I am from water that stands still
Only moved by my arms and my feet as I race to the edge of the pool
Or by the propeller of the boat and the fin on my wakeboard

I am from the living water that restores my soul
From Be Though My Vision and Lift Thine Eyes
From the stillness, He is there

I am from the water that falls in drops from my eyes
To remember flannel shirts, puffy vests and trucker hats
For tan skin, gold chains, and cigar smoke

I am from the water from the faucet, that once fell from the sky, ran through the river, collected in the reservoir, and filled the pipes that emptied into my glass only to enter my body, fill my cells, and give me life.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who wants to see the Doc on the RV?

The Wallace Medical Concern is now on Wheels!

Las week was our first full week of seeing patients on our new mobile medical clinic. This thing has dominated the time of everyone in the office for the past few months. But after hours of phone calls, hundreds - more like thousands - of copies, a lot of cleaning, and a few practice clinic, our van is on the road! Or parked in the parking lot of three local social service agencies throughout the week.

This thing is literally an RV. There are two exam rooms, a small bathroom, a little lab area, and a teeny tiny office with two "desks." The goal is to see 15 patients a day with one doctor, one MA, one person doing intake/referrals, and me doing referrals on Wednesdays and occasional Thursdays.

We are not without kinks, that's for sure. Showing up last Wednesday to our an agency that didn't know we were starting that week... not so good. Not having lidocaine for procedures - bad. Having only three patients on the schedule then having all of them cancel, very ineffective. But we're getting there.

I am responsible for setting up referral systems and making sure our staff is aware of and utilizes all the resources available to us. I am also in charge of figuring out flow - do we do referrals on the van? Do we have a confidential space to do referrals? How do charts make it back to the office? What do we do if patients need follow up?

All very good questions... I'm not sure of all the answers quite yet.

Also, I decided to be more "green" and bike to the van location today. Great idea when the sun was out at 8:00 this morning. Now it's POURING! - hopefully it will lighten up before I head home at 5:00.